Plots of XBT temperature section, profiles and drop locations for each mission conducted by the Oleander Program along a transit line between New Jersey and Bermuda\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\nurl\nname (File Name)\nlastModified (Last Modified, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nsize (bytes)\nfileType (File Type)\n
Matlab files bundled by year, containing XBT profiles along a transit line between New Jersey and Bermuda - one voyage per file\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\nurl\nname (File Name)\nlastModified (Last Modified, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nsize (bytes)\nfileType (File Type)\n