Oleander Project The Oleander Project ERDDAP
Easier access to the project's datasets

Brought to you by NSF NOAA BIOS SUNY URI/GSO UHawaii WHOI    

ERDDAP > files

ERDDAP's "files" system lets you browse a virtual file system and download source data files.
WARNING! The dataset's metadata and variable names in these source files may be different than elsewhere in ERDDAP! You might prefer using the dataset's Data Access Form instead. ("files" documentation)
[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[DIR]Parent Directory--
[DIR]oleanderCodas150kHz--Oleander 150kHz CODAS bundles
[DIR]oleanderCodas75kHz--Oleander 75kHz CODAS bundles
[DIR]oleanderTsgPlots--Oleander TSG data plots
[DIR]oleanderXbtMatFiles--Oleander XBT matlab files
[DIR]oleanderXbtNcFiles--Oleander XBT netCDF files
[DIR]oleanderXbtPlots--Oleander XBT data plots
[WWW]  documentation.html03-Mar-2025 20:08-Documentation for ERDDAP's "files" system.

7 directories, 1 file

ERDDAP, Version 1.82
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